When on the Verge of Burning Out

3/03/2017 01:08:00 AM

Admit it moms. There are days when you just feel tired of doing the same things everyday, over and over. I won't judge you for that. Because I know you are always dedicated to serve your family and always put your family's needs ahead of you. Being tired and getting frustrated (sometimes) is OK. I believe God did not gave us these emotions for nothing.

I am going through rough times these days. Toddler seems allergic with sleep again. Our usual sleep is 12:30 AM! It frustrates me 'cause night time is my catch-up time for work. But how can I do it if the toddler only wants to be cradled and play with my breast?

What I do when I feel like burning out:

  1. Admit it. As therapist would say, acceptance (admitting) you're tired is essential to healing. I think admitting that fact won't make you a lesser person. In fact will  Be honest with yourself. Now let's fill in the blank. I am stressed because ________________.
  2. Take a walk. Go outside and be away from what's stressing you. But in cases when my daughter causes the stress, I take her on my walks. 
  3. Have some me time. Related to #2. My me time may mean climbing up the roof where I cry my stress out or grooming my brows. For some, this could mean a warm bath or an hour on Pinterest or Facebook. Or even a dose of a feel good movie. Activities for me time can be limitless. P.S. It's OK to scream to but make sure that it's not in front of your toddler. It could be traumatic for her.
  4. Call a friend. Not necessarily to tell her about your pain. But simple talking to someone you know who cares. In my case, that will be my mother. I love the fact that I can be transparent with her. A few moments of laughter is an additional therapy.
  5. Write a journal entry of things you are thankful for.
  6. Talk to God and lay all you burdens on his feet. Claim what is written on Matthew 11:28 (KJV) Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. This verse is like a balm to the heart.

    And to remind you of that promise, I'm sharing this free artwork that you can hang on your home's wall. (You can also share it to your friends but please share the link of this post instead of the download link. Thank you.)

     Click on the image to download
Click on the image to download.

How about you? What do you do when you feel like burning out?