A Trainer Methodology Course (TMC) is an additional requirement for teachers who wishes to become a Senior High School TVL teacher.
Are you planning to enroll a TESDA Trainers Methodology Course?
Are you planning to enroll a TESDA Trainers Methodology Course?
I tried. In hope that I'll be able to finish it before the submission of application for Senior High School requirements. Yes, it's one of the requirements if you want to teach a TVL course/subject. Before doing so, there are 2 important things that you need to do:
- Make sure you have completed any NC II course and
- Your NC II certificate is not expired.
Unfortunately, my NC II certificate has expired some years ago. The sad part, TESDA is no longer offering that course. I am planning to enroll myself to a TESDA course but my schedule is not allowing me. But by summer, it will be a goal to finish one course so I can take TMC.