Toilet Training: Episode 1

1/05/2017 09:21:00 AM

A potty I bought for Sophie has been a white elephant for a year. Most of the time, dust is usually on its surface and sometimes I caught myself sighing it's a waste of money. I should have bought a baby toilet seat instead.

We're now in the season of bladder control training (if that's what it's called). Yes, toilet training.

It's really true that there is no hard and fast rule on toilet training. The key is patience and the right timing. Babies' ability to control their bladder varies from one to another. Some babies would just give up on their diapers and will require minimal to no toilet training.  Knowing that would save you from the stress and frustration. I'm not saying that we'll just let our children wear diapers until their 13. NO. That's not what I meant. 

Sophie is now 2 years and 4 months and I am so happy that she is now on her way to the freedom from diapers. Mommy and Me potty is finally serving its a purpose.

Be aware of their readiness cues. How will you know that your baby is ready for toilet training.

  1. Babies' ability to tell that s/he needs to poo and pee is a sign.  Two months earlier, her pants are already wet when she says "wiwi". That cues me that I need to change her pants. But now, wiwi means we need to go to the toilet. Also I noticed
  2. Baby pees at the same place. I placed her potty at the same spot so she knows where to go when its time.
Our usual day, toilet-training-wise goes like this:

7:00 am Sophie wakes up for her morning breastmilk and usually asks me to take off her diapers before returning to sleep. We use Mamu Poko Insta Suot Pants. On my part, I do diaper check at around 6am because we sometimes experience leaks specially when she drinks coco water the day before. Usual diaper capacity in the morning is I think 1-2 pees.

8:30 am First morning pee. She would tug my pants and lead me to the toilet. One thing that makes me smile, she puts her used diaper on the trash when she sees it. :) When she pees in the toilet, I make sure she is with someone. Locking toilet doors and slippery toilet floors exists.

10:00 am Play time pee. When she alarms me for a toilet visit, I now motion her to her potty. This is the time where teach her how to pull her pants down and clean herself after pee-ing. We count 1-10 before pulling her pants up. We usually have 2-3 pees during play time. I encourage her to drink water after pee. Oh yes, she also pees before taking a bath.

2:30 pm After nap pee. We no longer put diapers on her during afternoon nap. Hooray! And yes, 2-5 pee again before bedtime.

What is our part in the toilet training?

  1. BE PATIENT. Accidents still happens. But most of the time, about 80%, she can hold her pee long enough to reach the toilet. Do we still wear diapers? Yes, during the night time and if the travel takes more than 30 minutes. I don't dare for a no-nappies-night-time-sleep yet. I'll give her time. 
Toilet training is also the juncture to teach about proper hygiene.  

How about you? How was the first episode of your toilet training?

**This is not a sponsored post.**

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