Applying for TESDA Trainers Methodology Course

1/24/2017 04:47:00 PM

A Trainer Methodology Course (TMC) is an additional requirement for teachers who wishes to become a Senior High School TVL teacher.

Are you planning to enroll a TESDA Trainers Methodology Course?

I tried. In hope that I'll be able to finish it before the submission of application for Senior High School requirements. Yes, it's one of the requirements if you want to teach a TVL course/subject. Before doing so, there are 2 important things that you need to do:
  1. Make sure you have completed any NC II course and
  2. Your NC II certificate is not expired. 

Unfortunately, my NC II certificate has expired some years ago. The sad part, TESDA is no longer offering that course. I am planning to enroll myself to a TESDA course but my schedule is not allowing me. But by summer, it will be a goal to finish one course so I can take TMC.

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