If I Fall In Love (Again)

2/14/2017 10:33:00 PM

After my fall, one thing I promised myself - I WILL LOVE AGAIN. I will love again but for a season, I enclosed my heart in a wall where no one can get in. I hid my heart for it to heal. This year started with a prayer with my daughter for God to send us the right man.

I will not allow my non-negotiables be compromised. #1 on the list, he must love my Jesus. I have this history of compromise and sitting on the fence with my feet dangling on both sides. He must love my Jesus because if he does, all other traits will follow. For sure, he will be a man of integrity. A man who will only think of my well-being. A man who will treat me with respect no matter how dark my past is.

I will allow myself and him to grow. I will give him space to explore new things and enrich himself. I will allow him to decompress and be silent. I will respect his boundaries.

I will still be independent. But will be submissive in a healthy way.

I will honor him in every way.

I will not disconnect from the support system called friends. I may accept advise from here and there but I will only accept those that I believe will help build my relationship with him.

I wouldn't know when the right time will come. But I want to make sure that when that day comes, I am already the Ms.Right, Mr right is looking for.

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